We seem to be in a maze between trying to figure out what is true and what is fake. We are moving towards governments telling us what is true and not, as we humans are deemed unable or incapable of deciphering that we have been ably figuring out for centuries!

What is the truth? Well before you can figure out if something is true or not, you have to change the way you listen to the news. When you listen to the news, notice how they move from information to information, topic to topic, never quite allowing you to be able to piece things together. For example, news of the economy is never related to any news about the banks, debt, companies being granted monopolies, tax avoidance, layoffs, or zero hour contracts.

Listening to information in isolation, is the beginning of the end of truth. Not only do they never connect the dots, they never want you to either! It would lead to the end of all news readers, although real journalistic endeavours, and those who present the full picture, will become the truth seekers, this world needs.

One key to putting the puzzle together is personal judgement. I have always lived by this saying, just because someone says something doesn’t make it true.

Many times in my life i would listen to the news or read articles and I would hear the government say things like we need to help people eat more healthy foods and then you notice the government allows the most unhealthy foods and ingredients to be allowed into everyday food items! Then you hear the government say we need people to save more but they allow the banks to offer practically 0 interest rate to savers! Then you have news about needing a strong military and the next thing you hear is there are more cuts to the military!

Sometimes I would ask myself what is going on, here? Why is all the information contrary to each other?

Information given without context is given to manipulate public opinion. Without context you cannot put things together for yourself in a cohesive way.

Another key to piecing the puzzle is perspective. A wide perspective. See perspective can only be gained if you step away. The way they try and get you is by sucking you into the day to day trickle down information, never allowing you to see any issue from a long term perspective, but rather getting you entwined into this or that issue that just occurred, that is urgent, requiring your complete, total and undivided attention, which of course it doesn’t. It’s the veil they use to distract, isolate and incubate us.

So here is my question to you. Can you handle the truth, when you are presented with it?  Do you shy away, from it? Intimidated. Do you mull it over and decide for yourself , whether an issue is being portrayed with neutrality or biases? Through facts or half truths and manipulations?  Through cohesive analysis or incoherent psyops?

The truth is out there. The key to finding it, is to look at the same issue from as many different viewpoints as possible. Seek and ye shall find. Let’s use the truth to set us free!