Are there things in your life you would like to transcend? If only you could, you say to yourself. Well there is a concept that allows you to do just that, the realization and practice of it provides you the ability to transcend.

To transcend something is not to get rid of it, it is the capacity to rise above it. The present moment is the only space, where you can transcend anything. The past is just that, it cannot be altered as you have already made those choices. Those choices bring this moment into being. The future depends on the choices you make moment by moment.

The reason we keep making the same choices is because the same situations keep coming round, and you react the same and that brings round the same situation and the circle keeps going. Transcending the situation is going to require you making a different choice to the same situation.

To do this, it is helpful to learn to detach from the five senses. What decides your state of being is your thoughts, your emotions and your actions. If you want to transcend your life situations, this requires learning to control your thoughts, emotions and actions, from moment to moment. Another helpful concept is to allow yourself to get into the practise of observing yourself, your thoughts, emotions and actions.This is not a new concept by any means, but it is a life changing one, once you put it into effect in your life.

Detaching yourself from your thoughts and emotions, allows space and space allows you to make a different choice and that results in a different outcome, which brings a different result and this break, frees you to transcend.

The space, that this creates, is what is required for you to transcend. I am not saying the problems you have will disappear. In fact the chances are they are not going to disappear, however, your reactions to them need to get to a neutral space, so that your problems are no longer holding you hostage. Therefore creating a space where you are able to decide for yourself how you want to react to your life situations, is essential. If you work to create the ability to detach and rise above it, you will be able to cope with the issue, maybe not solve it immediately but it will not be all powerful in your life anymore.

So how do you create this space?  The practice of meditation is a good start. This simple exercise allows you to silence your thoughts, and center yourself away from the non stop constant dialogue going on in your head and allows for some peace of mind.

Peace of mind allows you to choose your action in a way that then allows you to transcend the situation you are facing, by allowing you to react in a new way which will bring about a new set of consequences and thus guide you onto a new path, ending the merry go round effect in your life.

And so begins with baby steps your journey into transcendence.