The good life does not exist, not in the conventional sense anyway. Not in the easy, comfortable, floating in the clouds way, you may imagine life is possible. Thinking and imagining your life this way is a sure fire way to dwell in constant discontent.

The good life is one where you choose to do good in your life daily. The faith I was born into teaches, good thoughts, good words and good deeds. I would include good [positive] emotions as well. This would most certainly be called living the good life, not the easy life but definitely the good life.

This life is not the less challenging life, far from it. Love, goodness, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, empathy, caring, generosity, righteousness, peace and joy are not worked on easily. It is a constant choice. Everytime you choose to do the right thing you open yourself up to opposition, all who speak their truth, know this from experience.

While you are deciding whether to do good, it almost feels like suddenly the lure to go negative appears out of nowhere. It is the mind that tries to get you to choose the easier option giving you reasons for doing so. However if you stick to your decision to do good, then the real opposition steps in to block you, and thwart your path. It is always you that decides. You can ignore everything and do what you believe is right regardless of difficulty, or you can stop in your tracks. The more good you do, the greater the challenges and blockades that come your way which is a fact you have to know and understand.

So i hear you ask the follow up, well why should we choose to live the good life, then?

Well i see it like this. There are two reasons why. One is doing right for right’s sake. For those of us who try daily to live this way, it isn’t really a choice, we just try and do so because it is right, and no other reason is necessary. Another reason is this, everytime you choose to do good, it’s like you are putting aside money for a rainy day. When the storms arrive you are protected more than you can ever imagine.

I have experienced this personally, there have been so many times I was unaware, I required protecting but i know I was protected only by looking back at events in hindsight. This is the thing, when you do good, and just keep at it, it may appear as though all the good you are trying to do is amounting to nothing, because you are still not getting what you want. However all you do adds up and you receive your blessings in ways that are not always plainly visible and may not be visible till after the fact. So don’t despair, it is working.

If you look at your life as a mirror and what you do gets reflected back to you, don’t you want love, goodness, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, empathy, caring, generosity, righteousness, peace and joy reflected back to you? I do.