Ever wish you could unburden your troubles? Thought about a knight in shining armour who will sort everything in your life out, perfectly. Well you are in luck! There is someone and that someone does sort things out perfectly. However a small thing is required of you before it can be sorted out. YOU, well more appropriately, YOUR complete and total surrender, to GOD.

I am aware of how difficult this small requirement god asks of us, is. It is no small feat to relinquish all desire to control even the seemingly uncontrollable in our lives. We think well if I do nothing then how is it going to sort out? So we do, and that doing has consequences and then we do more and then that doing also has consequences and so on and on we go, round the I am in control, delusional merry go round.

Now, there are situations where action on your part is necessary and then there are situations where you need to let go and surrender. In most situations I would say even when action, on your part is required, you would still be better off, surrendering all to god and then taking only the action that is absolutely necessary.

I am afraid there is something else that comes up, when you make the choice to surrender. There are always forces that come, to stop you from surrendering to god. These forces come in many forms. Your ego, will amplify negativity. This will arrive in the form of negative thoughts and emotions, hoping to cause you to engage in negative actions. All of this is nothing but fear based, and surrendering to god brings, nothing but peace.

The key when you feel stressed, anxious or just plain exasperated is to stop and just say these simple words, Lord I surrender all to you, yours will be done. Then leave it. Truly leave it, because if after you surrender you continue to fret and worry then you really haven’t left it all at god’s feet. When you truly surrender, you will not even think about that particular situation again. This requires a lot of practise, however it is possible to get to this space. It really is.

There comes a time in all our lives, when we come face to face with situations where we feel totally out of control and god steps in and lifts us to safety. You look back and think how was everything sorted, so perfectly, without me lifting a finger?! Well you let go, because you realized you were in waaaaay over your head. You surrendered and then at that moment god stepped in and all was taken care of.

Surrender is not something you do for god, it is the gift god has given you! If you only understood god’s perfection and the power of his gift to you, worry would end today. But we are humans, and so we need to learn the same lesson the hard way several times before we are willing to try things out, god’s way.

May you know and experience his gift for you, it awaits only, YOUR SURRENDER.