Good people are being sidelined. All media and television channels seem filled to the brim with news of and from people with nothing of insight to offer, instead filling our homes and our minds with information that lowers us further and further into an ever larger growing abyss.

Nothing ever is just about goodness, kindness, positivity just for its own sake, Always something to manipulate and misappropriate, Always looking to give only to receive. It is never just about giving or doing for its own sake, why?

I ask myself this question, every time there is news of sexual misconduct, or misinformation, or misuse of power, where are the good people in these organisations and why do they not feel comfortable enough to come forward, and speak their truth? In order to stand up and be counted, we are all going to be confronted with this question, what are you willing to sacrifice in order to stand up for your truth and your righteousness?

Good people everywhere, want to speak out, and are doing so in larger and larger numbers, but have to face severe obstacles and fear of reprisals. Look at the way our media and society treat those who stand up and speak out, we condemn instead of investigate. We are made to choose, in whom we trust, the individual versus either governments, or corporations [sometimes state funded] or supposedly independent organisations which are never really or truly independent. All you have to do is look at their funding.

The biggest challenge to revealing the truth as I see it is fear. I am not immune from the menace this feeling brings with it, but it needs to be faced and then sidelined. Unless and until we are willing to confront our fears, we will not be able to live a righteous life, nor have the society we want and crave.

A saying by Franklin Roosevelt says courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear. What is more important to you than fear? The things that need to become more important for us all, than fear has to be speaking up for the voiceless, the suppressed, the weak and the vulnerable.

I think most people just want to be left to live their life in peace and relative comfort. We do not have the time nor the inclination to get involved in large scale issues, nor constant protests. We can scale down the issues to our own lives. We can stand up in small ways, for all people, affected by the inhumanity of human behaviour.

We can stop allowing ourselves getting sidetracked by one marginalised group or another and instead focus on all people who are being dehumanised. We need to rise above what divides us and bring into focus what unites us. We are human.

We really and truly are all one. When we live knowing this, we will be willing to stand up not just for ourselves but for all humanity.