The simplest way to communicate what it is, is to say that kundalini is a primordial energy force or shakti. The word kundalini, essentially means coil. It is also called the serpent energy force. When it lies dormant it is situated at the base of the spine. Once this energy is released it begins a spiritual awakening in you. This energy, life force is within each and every person. This awakening sometimes occurs spontaneously and sometimes it uncoils itself after long periods of deep meditation.

There are many stories of awakening, some horrifying and some blissful. This is because sometimes people have tried to forcefully awaken this energy and that can come with disastrous results. I would not advise you to force this awakening in anyway.

I will explain what happened to me. I was practising focusing on my breath to establish, quiet mind like Eckhart Tolle suggests in his book The Power of Now. As with most things, I move towards perfecting the things I practise, so I practised more and more and more. Once this was working in my life and I started to feel peaceful and calm, I started to work on my emotions and that worked well and so I just continued and continued. The more things were sorting out without conflict, the more I practised.

One day, everything I was practising and enjoying practising went very dark. I felt this heaviness within me, nothing would alter it. I felt as though I was metaphorically being held under water and yet I could see the light streaming through the water but I could not get my head above the surface of the water. I suddenly said out loud Lord Is this the pain body within me? My interpretation of the pain body as Mr Tolle explains it is this, every experience we have leaves a residue of pain and this merges with pain from our past and this accumulated pain is called in his words the pain body.

After I said those words, I was suddenly pinned. I could not move. I felt lit up from within. It felt as though a million light bulbs got switched on inside me at the exact same moment. After this I felt a lot lighter, like half my body weight suddenly left me. It was after this experience that the symptoms of kundalini began.

Even though I was experiencing the symptoms of kundalini, I was completely ignorant of what I was experiencing. I was unaware of the fact that what I was experiencing had a name?! It took a further seven months before I came across the word kundalini and understood what had been occuring in my life. It had a name, and I could now read up on it and understand it better. This is god saying, when it’s time for you to know, you will know. I believe a deep relationship with god, is essential to cope with the journey you get taken on through this kundalini awakening.

All will be revealed to you, when you need to know it, and no sooner. Everything happens in order. You can only resonate with concepts and ideas and perspectives when you’re ready too!

May the kundalini journey across the chakras, begin.