Once the kundalini energy is awakened, it knows it’s path. The question is always, are you walking your path? The chakras are there as guideposts for you to work through step by step which slowly leads to the cleansing of you, spiritually. The spiritual life and the physical life you live everyday are inseparable. One cannot ascend unless the two are always understood together. Spiritual laws need to be understood and then practised in your physical life. They have to become one.

The first and most essential tool that you need is quiet mind. You can achieve this as Mr Tolle suggests through focusing on your breathing as much as possible, or through meditation. Either way the point is to establish a state of mind that is able to be quiet. The aim is to always be working to increase the quiet mind you are enjoying. Practising quiet mind consciously for long periods of time, was what lead at least in part to my kundalini awakening.

Once you have this as your basis, you can begin to work on other issues that will come to the surface. Several issues will require your attention. These will move from mental to physical to emotional health, which leads to taking right actions in your life.

Each kundalini journey is partly the same for everyone and partly tailored to you, personally. You will be affected by things I may not be and vice versa, so it will be important for you to work through things that come to the surface for you and you will most certainly find these challenging.

How do you know what you need to work on? That depends on what comes up for you. Do any of these issues come up for you? Fear, irritation, anger, impatience, tiredness, criticism, hatred, vindictiveness, jealousy, money, power, materialism, drugs of different kinds, control issues and on and on. If yes, then those will require a change of behaviour on your part. Quiet mind and god together can and will heal these issues for you.

Quiet mind allows you to be in the present moment and without your awareness in this moment you cannot notice your thoughts, emotions and actions and you cannot work on changing your behavioural patterns to what you are experiencing.

God is always guiding you, however in order to hear his guidance you need to develop quiet mind. This space allows awareness and awareness allows you to see god’s guidance everywhere. You could read something, a friend could say something, you could watch something on tv, you could hear a song. God will use anything and everything to give you your reply. The key is to be aware and present.

Once kundalini has been awakened, you have begun the process of evolving. You could say you are on the kundalini express train, which will make stops and you will see picturesque views, you will go through dark tunnels, and the journey will sometimes exhaust you but the joy comes from knowing one day the destination you have worked towards for years, will arrive!