There is a great deal of information on the technical aspects of each chakra. Initially you might read as much as possible because you are caught unawares, by your kundalini awakening and it’s experiences. However as you ascend higher and higher on your chakra journey, you will find less and less useful information available to you.

So how does one understand what is required? Well, if you begin your journey with trying to focus on your breath as much as possible and creating quiet spaces in between your thoughts, that which is required to heal mentally, will be apparent to you, through the quiet spaces you have created in your mind.

I believe one of the reasons I was and am able to understand what is required of me at every moment is because I started with quietenning my mind. Quiet mind can also be called the state of ‘thoughtless awareness’.This state allows you to be able to be alert to your thoughts, the moment they are happening and so allows you to heal that which requires healing and also simultaneously have access, through quiet mind, to the guidance provided to you.

When you are asked to change the unhealthy thoughts within yourself, will you? These might be negative repetitive thought patterns. It may be you being constantly critical of yourself and others.They may be thoughts that constantly reinforce issues. For example maybe you always have a habit of saying I never have enough money or the person who owes me money will never pay me back? Or I will never get married or I am always the one who is picked on. Maybe you wish ill or curse someone who has hurt you and you wish them the same pain they have caused you.

These negative thoughts have a constant effect on you, physically, mentally and emotionally. It is all interlinked. All such thoughts are not only unhelpful but what one does not understand is that they have a way of behaving like a boomerang. Throw a boomerang outwards and it always returns back to you! This is how negative thoughts work. What goes out of you returns to you.

So the question we have to ask is, how do we stop and heal these negative thought patterns of behaviour within ourselves? Well once you have established quiet mind, you are now able to be aware of your thoughts,as you have them! Once you get to this stage, you will be able to stay alert and when a negative thought, takes hold, all you have to do is ask god to help heal these negative thoughts, within you. This is a practise that needs to be made into a permanent part of your daily living.

There are three things that have an effect on you and the life you live. Your thoughts, emotions and actions. Negative thoughts, I believe have profound consequences on your health and so on your wellbeing. Your thoughts are magnets and attract what you think to you, so make sure you use them well.