Your thoughts and emotions, naturally flow into actions.This is why those of us who are going through kundalini, need to be very vigilant of our thoughts and emotions, as they are the harbinger of what your actions are going to be.

Actions are the result of your thoughts. If you are uncertain about what action to take, ask for guidance. Ask for the courage to take right action. Sometimes we feel weak and vulnerable and even though we may know what the right thing to do is, we may shirk from this duty.

Doing what is right, is not easy and it is not for the faint of heart. You will have to bypass your ego, which will find reasons not to do it. You will have to bypass emotions that get heightened to fever pitch. You will have to rise above all of it and choose to do it anyway. This requires god’s help.

Knowing within oneself what the right thing to do, but not yet having the capacity to rise above one’s ego and human conditioning in order to take right action, is a fear that needs conquering. This can often feel uncomfortable, initially.

If you generally lack generosity, then being asked to open your heart enough to help others financially will require courage and faith, that you will be taken care off and the more you give the more you will receive.

If you have relationships in your family life that have gone awry, then you will be asked to forgive and mend those ties. Again this will require you being able to bypass your ego in order to say this needs doing and regardless of the pain, you believe this person has caused, you will need to forgive them. You will be asked to do everything in your power to rectify your feelings towards them, regardless of their feelings towards you.

Kundalini actions are about understanding, that you will be held responsible for yourself. Every action you take, is your responsibility. Blaming others for your behaviour is not a pardonable offence. Actions are what you put out into the world and if you put out anything that will cause another hurt or pain in anyway, you prolong and deepen your own pain and you are held responsible for the pain you cause others.

There is another way to describe this principle, it is ‘what goes around, comes around.

As kundalini rises, one of the most difficult practises you will be asked to develop is discernment. It is the ability to judge well. There might be two extremely similar situations and in one you will have to help and in another you might have to walk away. How does one know when to act and when to withhold action? This is discernment and this only comes from awareness and experience. Once again ask god to help guide your actions and to help you discern, what the right thing to do is, in each situation.

Being alert and being present in each moment of your life, will bring with it the awareness and the guidance and the enlightenment to just, KNOW.