These days all you hear about is Artificial Intelligence, and its ability to take over most human jobs and everyday tasks and that’s supposed to be a good thing, freeing us to do other things.

Do you ever wonder what we are here to do? We work, have families, enjoy ourselves, go through struggles and eventually pass away. Is that all there is to this journey on earth?

I believe we are meant to be on a journey of spiritual awareness and higher consciousness.

We are currently advancing research into Artificial intelligence, which is ultimately looking towards merging AI with the human mind. I have learnt this is to try and avoid the unpleasant and unavoidable, at present, problem of human mortality. If AI is smarter than humans, and they are essentially robots, hence immortal, what will they need humans for anyway after a certain level of learning? We seem aware that we are creating and empowering that, which may well choose to make us redundant, and yet we seem unwilling to curtail it? Why?

Yet there is something else that comes up in conversations about AI, and that is consciousness. Will AI have the power to develop consciousness? Consciousness, is the ability to be aware of what is within oneself. It is this, that is special to us humans.

There are two things that make us humans extraordinary. It is our mind AND our heart. It is the connection between the two that guides our consciousness higher. If we want to achieve higher levels of consciousness, it is the mind that we must learn to quieten and eventually control. But it is our heart that must be our guide for our every action.

It is our mind we use to have thoughts and receive insights. These thoughts and insights create the emotions we experience, our thoughts and sometimes our emotions then flow into our actions. It is our mind that determines our reality. If we allow the tapping into of our mind, we are essentially handing over who we are and capable of being, as well as all of our experiences, to be placed into a computer.

Technology being created to merge AI with our minds is understandable, our minds are  extraordinary, but what makes the most enlightened human is always the merging of mind and heart. Our minds can be manipulated, deceived, decoded but that which keeps us, on the right path is our heart. That which is done from a pure heart can never be wrong. The mind without the heart is like flying an airplane without any navigation.

Are we ok with AI working and supposedly helping humanity, while only working from the mind and not the heart?  How will it play out if that which guides them, doesn’t come from a space of love?

Looking around, isn’t that what we have now? Political leaders making decisions that only come from the mind and not the heart. What about all the rules, regulations and laws being enacted, are they coming from a place of love, kindness, and compassion? Do we really want more of the same?

The ultimate Merging will be the enjoining of our hearts and minds, so that they work together, because you can’t have one work well without the other!