Once your kundalini energy starts going through the different chakras, you are asked to work on and heal negative thoughts, emotions and actions. Simultaneously you will also be asked to work on universal principles that need to be awakened and practised within you.

These might be attributes you find easy or some that you might find uncomfortable. You will be asked to work on all of them, until they are practised so often, that they become one with you.

One of the most important is Love. You are love and you are asked to act from a space of love. Love is that which asks for nothing and needs nothing. It is about giving. Love is that which just expands out from within you and spreads to everyone and everything.

Another principle is Forgiveness. Your kundalini ascent, is linked closely to your ability to forgive. Inappropriate unconscious behaviour that you used to engage in, that was hurtful, harmful, mean, negative, inquisitive or controlling, is no longer appropriate for you, at your new level of awareness. You now have to choose your behaviour, consciously.

Compassion, concern for others, ends the continuous preoccupation with oneself. You will be required to show that you have the capacity to feel compassion for another because his or her pain also joins together to form part of your own pain. Eckhart Tolle calls this the pain body. In reality there is no difference, another’s pain is your own and your own pain is part of another’s. The division exists only on the level of mind.

Collectivity, In the sense that I interpret it is, what you think, do and say affects others and vice versa. You are no more important than another, whether they be a billionaire or a homeless individual. Whether someone is a different race, religion, or ethnicity there is no disparity at the level of spirit. All inequalities exist on the physical level. We all come from the same infinite source, that has created everything. Differences whether they be racial, religious, gender based, or any and all others is always only on the physical level. Once here on earth, our lives appear significantly different to one another. However all differences exist only because we are here to learn and grow and evolve and these distinctions help us because they are trying to evolve us in such a way to ensure our deepest spiritual growth.

Within kindness, it is the small acts of kindness that impact others. Little things that show appreciation make big impacts. When you do for others, and if there is some level of effort, some level of inconvenience involved in the giving and helping, and you do it graciously, then there is love and joy in your acts of kindness.

Being of service, is another principle that requires us to humble ourselves. It is often uncomfortable because we are not used to doing without wanting to receive, in return. When you do without giving any consideration to wanting or needing or keeping tabs, then there is a joy to your giving and that joy gets reflected back to you.

Security- We spend most of our living hours worried or anxious about things we need for our survival. If those needs are taken care off, then we move to satisfy our wants, which seem to expand with each passing day. This desire filled living is not conscious living. What is the difference? Well conscious living is knowing your needs will always be taken care off. If you keep your thoughts, emotions and actions in a positive state of being. Your insatiable wants however are a different issue and those will not be catered too.

Detachment- This is a concept that most of us struggle with, mainly because this requires relinquishing control. Humans find this very difficult. We want to be in charge of everything and everyone. Detaching is teaching yourself that god, spirit, consciousness can and will sort things out ONLY if you step aside. When you are asked to begin to practise this, you will also notice how easily things sort out and how you could never have been able to sort it out so perfectly as it has been worked out by the divine. So step aside and allow things to be the way they need to be and watch with amazement. Detachment is not doing nothing, it is doing with no attachment to a person, particular outcome or result.

Generosity-Giving is wonderful and needs to be inculcated especially if you find it difficult. Sharing is another principle that opens up your heart and expands your level of consciousness, towards others. Give, with your blessing, your awareness and discernment.

Integration-There can be no disconnect between thinking, feeling and doing. It has to flow as one. When there is no distinction, then you are one with the principles and one with consciousness. This is a process and time is required to practise, practise and practise till these concepts are no longer just ideas but are incorporated into every aspect of your life. You need to get to a point where you are one with all these principals and more.

This needs to be worked on until you begin to notice your life reflecting this new way of thinking, feeling and doing. Your relationships start mending, you start to see these principles working in your life, then you can be certain the integration is well and truly being incorporated into your life through you.

ONE with spirit- Becoming one with one’s own spirit is a journey. Small steps lead you towards this space. This is a place of peace, calm, clarity, and surrender. It is where your ego fears to tread. It is where the synchronicity of life happens. Life flows and you ride the wave. You do what you are required to do and you leave the rest to sort out in unison with divine will, not your own.

When divine will works in your life, what is done is not just done in the best interests of you, but for all who are involved with you too!