What does being of service feel like? Initially being of service often feels like you are allowing yourself to be taken advantage of, and may not feel like a blessing at all. If you are not used to being of service, it might feel like you are doing and doing and no one is reciprocating. This is just a temporary illusion. Staying with it, will be the proof you need.

We live in a world that encourages us to be the taker, not the giver. Giving requires us to put ourselves and our needs second to another’s. This is not a comfortable place for most of us.

When we serve there is the something within us that requires us to humble ourselves. To serve is to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes and show gratitude to them regardless of whether they deserve it or not, in your opinion. We are asked to serve, not judge.

Intention is everything. If you are doing for others only to later ask for things you need or want help with, this is not true service. The doing has to be about just that and not about anything you want from the person or organisation. Giving to get something in return is not giving. A lot of people have the mentality of thinking which asks, ‘what do i get if i do this?

You have the satisfaction of knowing you have been of help to another. This way of being is not self serving. You just do for others and let your actions speak for themselves. Actions do speak louder than words for a reason.

Why should we be of service?  Happiness comes from being of service to another. What is the point of life if you cannot do nice things for people? Joy comes from doing not receiving. Start and see.

You can keep waiting for someone to serve you or you can get a head start and learn this universal principle that you have to give before you can receive. Serving is about caring, and caring is a part of loving. When you care about someone or something and you begin to serve, something happens. You begin to put out into the world something special and the way you know you are doing it right is noticing, the world that is reflecting back at you. Your life should reflect this new way of thinking and behaving. If you are serving others, your life will reflect others wanting to serve you. If you are showing care and consideration towards others that will be reflected back, also. It has to.

The highest way to serve humanity is to start by beginning to heal yourself. Healing your hurts and pains, your fears, your negative thoughts, emotions and actions.

You may feel like all the work you are doing on yourself and all those you are helping are not producing any effects, for you. However nothing could be further from the truth. All who interact with you are affected by what you do. Let service, be your way to help humanity.