No need for proof, no need for the courts, the accusation is the judgement. Condemnation is all you need to win support.

When did we forget that an accusation is not proof of guilt? It needs to be proven? In the court of public opinion however just the accusation is sufficient to sully a person’s or a company’s good name.

Do you feel we are living more and more in a society, where individuals and companies are being accused of causing any individual or a small group of people discomfort and they are being pressurized to apologise and renege, instead of the individual either going down the route of the law and courts or having to come to grips with their own discomfort?

Why is every issue today about accusing others for almost everything? I am not saying there are not individuals or companies to blame, I am saying why do we have to blame? Why can’t we move beyond blame and start changing things within ourselves to create the society we want through our actions?

We now are more and more living in fear of someone condemning us of anything, real or made up, and these people with a small band of supporters, through unrelenting social  media put into the limelight their grievances, forcing their views and will onto others.

We never get to ask the question what next? What after the incessant accusations, the public condemnations, the supposed backtracking and apparent superficial change? See I think it feels good to accuse someone publicly, or for the hurt and pain they have caused you. Of course it does! However anyone who has been through hurt and pain knows there is no healing from it, until forgiveness is brought into your life.

I think when you accuse others of anything, regardless of the offence committed, you may  well feel empowered by doing so. However real empowerment comes from having the courage to forgive and thereby taking control of the situation by healing yourself. No amount of hurting another will ever remove the hurt within you.

I want us to live in a fair and just society. However there are grandparents and great grandparents who understood that society is never exactly the way we would all want, but it needs to be accepted for what it is before barriers can be worked through with personal determination and strength of character and not from the injured party, space.

Pointing at all the things that are wrong and looking to sort things out by force brings with it backlash against that which you are looking to improve. Real change always begins with you. No, nothing is ever ideal, but what are you willing to accept responsibility for?

Generations have faced all sorts of adversity and never held anyone to hostage for their suffering, their sacrifices, their discrimination. I am not saying society is fair, it cannot be as the people living in society, us, humans are imperfect. You could choose to live in a perfect dreamworld, or you could choose through your own personal effort to better an imperfect one. You choose.