In your everyday life do you notice more and more people misrepresenting the truth? No matter who we interact with there is constantly some level of concealment. What is it that causes us to have to conceal? Sometimes it might be done to protect someone you love, sometimes we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, other times we might just be protecting ourselves from the truth we are unwilling to face or confront, still other times it is done on purpose to produce the result you want.

I have mostly come across the reason why we deceive ourselves and others, is to protect our ego. We are consciousness, spirit, soul. We are not our ego. Our ego deceives us into believing, it is us. It isn’t. It tricks us into playing its game. Either way be careful. If you use it as a tactic, it might work for a while but used over and over as a weapon of choice, and you may notice it stops working for you.

When your ego produces negative thoughts and we buy into them, we are being played. When our ego produces negative emotions and lures us into stories about past or present painful situations, we are being played. We play the game because we are being deceived into believing we are IT, we are not, we are that which observes IT.  You, the real you, doesn’t need to be protected. Your ego does.

When you lie and rearrange the truth to suit your needs, your ego makes it acceptable and pretends to protect you by making it seem like your reasons for doing so are noble and good. When your deception is revealed to others, your ego makes it acceptable and pretends to protect you by rearranging things to make you appear the victim. Your ego does all this only ever to protect itself and get its own way constantly. The less you identify with it, the less its grip on trying to control you.

The more you deceive and suppress things, the more they have a way of coming to the surface. Have you heard about the law of reversed effort? Sooner or later that which you have tried to keep hidden, will find its way out. This may take a while to happen, sometimes, but once it does, its like the floodgates have been opened, and it cannot be stopped.

No one can control the deception told to them. The best way to counteract your own deception is by asking yourself to prove the facts you believe about yourself. So if you say you are kind and compassionate and caring, then can you come up with examples from your life that would validate your belief? I also find it helpful to pull away from one’s own viewpoint and start to see things from the other person’s perspective. This way ensuring you are not deceiving yourself, as you don’t need protecting.

You can handle the truth!