Do you want to know who you are? The answer lies beyond the physical you. You are the Observer. You are awareness, the witnessing presence, in all things. Words cannot define you. I think circumstances try and force us to get involved. To do, to be, to like or dislike, to agree or disagree. We are always forced to take sides. Being, is never sufficient.

Try being a witness to your life, sometimes. Try not allowing yourself to get dragged into reacting to every little incident and see what happens? Trust in your power to just be the observer. This is not an easy thing to practice or live.

Being the witness, involves you being neutral. Tied to neither side nor the outcome. When you observe your life and its circumstances, and stop interfering in it, what you are really doing is allowing space. Space for things to be, just as they are, and as they may need to be, regardless of your preference. This space is where solutions are allowed not forced.

I am not saying do nothing. I am saying if action is required, act. Take right action. I am saying do that which you need to do without trying to control the situation or the outcome.

Doing is fine, controlling behavior is not helpful. In fact, when you try to control things, the help you need stays away because you have decided, you know best!

So how do we apply this, ‘Be, the Observer’ principle? Well it applies to all life situations. Family, work, friends, corporations, countries, anything. Let’s take a few questions we might sometimes ask ourselves. Can I trust this person? Well observe them and their actions and you will know. What about, Is this person, lying to me? Well observe how they behave with you and others. Their actions are your answer.

Since we are now in times where we are asked to gauge between truth and fake news, I think we should all know how to spot what is real, don’t you?

When presented with information, I do not agree with it nor disagree. I listen. I do not pass judgement nor approval, I just listen. Well we still have the pesky problem of how do we know, if what is said is the truth? Well time always reveals all truths, so that is one way. The other is this, ‘Ye shall know them by their fruits’. Be a witness to all information. Be and observe. Watch what people or governments or organizations stand for, observe who they help, not just what they say, but what they DO and all will be revealed to you. You will not need to be told, you will know.  Actions are your answer. When it says ‘Fruits’ what i take it to mean is ‘Deeds’.

Our lives seem fraught with contradictions. Either you are with us or against us. Everything seems to be about forcing us to fight for or against, take your pick, families, religions, races, countries, the list goes on and on. Neutrality is nowhere. This is because you cannot be dragged into conflict when you are in a state of neutrality. Neutrality is not about not caring, it is about caring so deeply about everything that you cannot and will not allow yourself to be torn apart from your own humanity. Being one with all things.