Don’t you wish people in positions of power would sometimes just sometimes admit they don’t have all the answers, and instead just say I don’t have the answer.

Is it fearful to you when you don’t have all the answers? If you answered yes, why? I think it’s generally because we want to be able to be in control and not knowing requires letting go.

This requires a lot of practice. Letting go is hard because it is fraught with fear.

So how do we cope with the fear and let go anyway. To begin, you have to be aware of your fear, then figure out what situations cause you the greatest fear, then understand that the fear is there because you feel helpless. Once you get to this stage you need to know acceptance is the only antidote to feelings of helplessness.

Acceptance is admitting you don’t have all the answers and need help. When you accept with complete surrender, help arrives. Assistance arrives in all shapes and forms, so being open to how help comes to you isn’t as important as staying in acceptance and gratitude.

Magic happens when you accept things as they are and not the way you need or want them to be. It’s as if things miraculously change tracks. Now be alert, you cannot trick your way to the outcome you want. You really have to be in complete acceptance of things as they are, as they may remain there and you will have to cope.

When you don’t know what is going to happen, it can also be seen as a waiting game. Does being made to wait feel like the end of the world to you? Impatience a trait you struggle with?

Waiting can feel like you are being blocked from getting where you feel you want to be, it can also be seen as you are not ready to handle the blessings coming your way yet, and so you are being nurtured and prepared for what’s to come and wonders not yet imagined by you are on their way, just be in acceptance, it’s heading to you!

Not knowing is a transition stage. It’s a stage of incubation, during which you decide which way things are going to move based on your reactions to your life situation. If you stay positive or better yet neutral to what is happening to you, the outcome will be in your best interest anyway as you are unattached to the outcome you want or need.

When you decide you have all the answers, learning is put on hold. Our entire journey on this earth is about learning. Being honest enough to admit you know nothing, frees you, and is the beginning of a lifelong journey to gain knowledge.

I KNOW NOTHING! Let the learning begin.