Words strung together can be used to deliver ideas, emotions, intentions and even deceptions.They can be used positively or negatively, They can help you awaken or discourage you. Words can be used to manipulate the way you think and feel.

Have you noticed words have a way of coming into the collective conscious so quickly sometimes it’s hard to ignore them. Politicians sometimes all seem to use the same words to describe an event or a policy. Groups will force into the mainstream a certain terminology that they want to be used.

Often when I read a news article or watch a news program , I force myself to pick out the most important word in what i am reading or in what the person is saying, this helps me pinpoint what is most important in what is being mentioned rather than on what they want me to focus on or what they are trying to hide from me. In headline reading, it is a very useful tool and also when listening to people who speak in such long sentences that by the time they finish you have forgotten the question or the point?!

Words can often be used a certain way which allows for obfuscation.  There are certain people who are very good at making you feel like they are agreeing with you However once you walk away and think about exactly what they said, you realize they were not saying what you thought they were, In fact they were in disagreement with you but you did not realize you got played, through their use of word manipulation.

Words have the power to persuade. The same words repeated over and over have an impact on us subconsciously and unless we examine our thoughts and feelings on issues, we may fall prey to these manipulations. Simplistic viewpoints are repeated so as to negate further investigation on the issue.

Data seems to be the buzzword of our time. Words you put down on social media have follow on ramifications. They may be used to analyze and psychoanalyze you through your thoughts, views and opinions on issues. Information collected on you can be used to change and manoeuvre your perceptions and beliefs.They can be used to alter your emotional state of well being.

There is also a new form of speaking that seems hell bent on creating confusion in our minds. When you listen to these people and they are saying things that make absolutely no sense and sound incoherent, be alert. This is done to cause you to you question your ability to process the information and make sense of the issue. I believe this is being done, to stop us from understanding the deeper issues and thus keeping hidden away the real information.

Words have power. They can inform, heal, transform and uplift us or they can be used to hurt, manipulate and divide us. We have to be alert to words thought, spoken, and voiced by us as they linger longer than we know.