Most events happening in the world today are being used to play a game. The judgement and blame game. To play is to lose. Its purpose is to misdirect.

Every issue in the world, has been distorted. Everywhere you turn, there is the one who judges and it’s companion the one who blames, there is the oppressor and it’s companion the oppressed. Often times the oppressed become the oppressor. The world is only ever a larger reflection of you, your community, your city, and your country.

We have horrific things happening to innocent people constantly, yet the only thing we can control is our reaction to what is done to us. Simultaneously there are situations where we need to accept our role in the outcome of events.

Every situation follows the same pattern, whether it be the social issues of, equality, free speech, privacy. Whether it be political issues, of brexit, Nhs, transport, and every other government department. Whether it be religious issues, of divisiveness between religious sects and also differing religious ideas and ideals.

When you go through hurtful, harmful and inhuman behaviour, in anyway, blaming someone or something for your unhappiness is fine, should you choose to do so, however it will do nothing to change things around, for you. Should you engage in reciprocity of hate for hate, beware it has a tendency to spiral situations downward, as it comes from a place of hurt and pain. There is a saying, what goes around comes around, should you decide to go down this path, tread lightly.

What is it, about us humans, that if we can obfuscate our role in situations, we will. If we can remove our own accountability from situations, we will. I think it’s the ego within us, that deems us guiltless.

All religions teach us about not engaging in judgemental behaviour. The bible asks, why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? My own faith teaches good thoughts, good words and good deeds.

We need to curtail this constant flow of judgement and blame. We judge because we crave power and control. We tend to want to be god and dole out punishment. We blame, because we have been hurt by someone’s words, emotions or actions.

Judging is all about trying to hold on to power and blame is used because you feel powerless and unable to control things the way you want and need. It is a seesaw. This behaviour keeps you unsettled, insecure and in constant uncertainty and unhappiness.

When we get preoccupied with judgement and blame, we get obsessed with the person causing us the pain and so get blinded by the situation, unable to see a different perspective. Perspective offers you the ability to step back from your thoughts and emotions and see things from a neutral space, instead of as the involved party. We dwell in darkness, unnecessarily forgetting that we can use the darkness to get into the light, by healing and thereby freeing ourselves.

You could spend your life, blaming someone all you want, however you cannot change their behaviour. The only thing you can control is yourself, your thoughts, your emotions and your actions. Harnessing the power within yourself, you can be the change, you seek to see in others and the world and thereby guide humanity, forward.