When god is at the center of your life, your life will not be perfect, but you will have the capacity to cope with your life, with a sense of calmness and peace of mind. I would like to talk about kundalini and god and why I believe that this journey really needs to only be undertaken, when you have a developed a deep relationship with god.

Once the kundalini awakens, there will be a lot of challenging situations occurring simultaneously. One of the first is your capacity to face and cope with fear. No matter what  situation you are faced with, knowing god is with you, guiding, protecting and loving you, will feel like a blanket you can wrap yourself within. It is always available to you and is a comfort you will need over and over again on your path.

The entire kundalini path is about learning. Your thoughts, emotions and actions are your guide posts. It is the practise of you self reflecting on yourself and then healing yourself. When negativity engages you, you will need god’s help dispel the negativity. When negative emotions overwhelm you, you will need god’s touch to heal them. When negative actions beckon, you will need god’s firm hand guiding you onto the path of righteousness.

When we are confronted with anything that we find difficult to cope with, we can ask god for his help. Like the strength to bear the things we cannot change, we can ask for his protection, for courage, we can ask for his help to forgive those who have hurt us, we can ask for his help to be in acceptance, for a grateful heart. We can ask and we should ask. Help is only received once the request is made and no sooner.

When you live a life of busyness and have the attitude that says,” I am doing” and “I am working so hard”, your ego is in control of you and your life. God has been sidelined. Why? Because YOU are doing, and you are not leaving space in your life for GOD to do!?

Surrender might appear like weakness. However only those with deep faith and strength in god are able to surrender to his will. When you say God, may your will be done. There is power in that, more than you know.

Faith in god is not blind faith. It is a faith that says you know what is best for me and my life.

No matter what appears in your life, be in acceptance. This applies to whether you are sick, whether you are financially secure, or whether you are facing challenges. God thinks about what is best for you to learn and grow, so no matter what appears in your life, know it needs to be there and god has not left your life but is right beside you. Be in acceptance and allow god to teach you that which you need to learn and help you reach where you need to be.

Devotion to god is about living right by god. When you choose to do the the right thing versus the doing the wrong thing, you live by god’s will. Living right by god is allowing god to live through you. When god resides in your heart, you are well and truly one with god.